Hi there! I’m so glad you are interested in my writing and work. Enter your email address below and you will be sent an email that will take you to the links for both:
- Free sample chapter from How To Be Alive
- The totally free How To Be Alive Workbook
How do you get a happy, prosperous life that really matters and also helps the world? This free workbook takes the key exercises from my book How to Be Alive, adds a bunch of new material and is absolutely free.
How we can we all meaningfully participate in the quest for a way of life that is both safer and happier for us as individuals, and better for the communities and world we live in?
This workbook tells you exactly how.
Please enter your email address here and links to the handbook and sample chapter will be sent to you.
Note: When you sign up to receive the handbook, I’m excited to say that I will also start letting you know when I have news that will help you in your quest for a safe, healthy, happy, meaningful life that also helps the world. But if you aren’t interested, you can always unsubscribe after you get the handbook.