The folks at 1SKy, whose mission is to focus the power of millions of Americans on the goal of federal action to reduce global warming, is coordinating a special, nationwide Mothers’ Day action to bring lawmakers’ attention to out concern about government inaction. 1Sky asked me if I might write a special, Mothers’ Day post for their blog. What I gave them was a public Mothers’ Day note to my wife, Michelle. It starts like this:
To my wife, my love, my partner, my Michelle (and to the House of Representatives, the Senate, the current President, and the soon-to-be 2008 candidates for all of those offices),
A year and a half ago, I was desperately worried about the declining health of our planetary habitat and its consequences for human health, happiness and security. I worried about the kids caught up in Katrina and the kids in our hometown of New York City who have asthma because of the number of garbage trucks driving through their neighborhoods and the kids all over the world, born and unborn, who will suffer from the damage we have done and continue to do to our climate, air, water, and earth.
Because I was worried about all these things…
Click here to go to 1Sky and read the rest. While you’re there, click on “Act Now” to get involved.