OK, those are strong words for a headline, and I’ll explain, but first, let me beg you to forward this email to every New York State resident you know. If you are a NYS resident, please URGENTLY phone your State Senator (instructions below) in support of the plan–known as the Ravitch plan–to bail out our […]
LVGRN: The knife at my throat
Last week on this blog, a man–namely me–dared to suggest to suggest that a reusable “feminine hygiene” product–namely, the menstrual cup–might keep billions of tampons out of the landfills. It only seems fair, therefore, to suggest a product for men that would keep millions of plastic razors out of the landfill. According to Grist, 2 billion […]
LVGRN: Getting rid of tampons
According to Grist: Most tampons are made from rayon-cotton blends — an important distinction, because rayon is often chlorine-bleached, a process that releases the cancer-causing chemical dioxin. This toxin builds up in fatty tissue and has been linked to endometriosis, immune-system suppression, and other health problems. Since it’s in a product intended for our, ahem, most intimate of locations, […]
LVGRN: Save millions of trees with recycled toilet and facial tissue
Greenpeace wrote to me today. They said: Greenpeace Senior Forest Campaigner Rolf Skar was on Fox’s America’s Newsroom yesterday morning to talk about Greenpeace’s new “Recycled Tissue and Toilet Paper Guide.” Megyn Kelly issued a challenge to her co-host Bill Hemmer: Could Bill, with his eyes closed, tell the difference between recycled toilet paper and Charmin brand toilet paper, […]
How I made a clean energy difference in Washington
I used to wonder: What does it matter if I choose to use planetary resources more carefully? Can I really make a difference? I might also have asked: What does it matter if I choose to show up at a rally to advocate for clean energy and end to coal burning? I will be one […]
On not putting a kid with cancer in my gas tank
Today, I went to see director Joe Berlinger’s new documentary Crude, about the toxic mess left behind when Texaco withdrew from the Ecuadorian Amazon in the 1990s. I listened to a man talk about how his little boy died 24 hours after a Texaco oil spill tainted the water supply. I watched mothers crying about […]
Getting arrested in DC–or not
I wanted to put in one last plug for Monday, March 2nd’s Capital Climate Action, which begins at 1PM at Spirit Park of Justice (C St. SW and Capitol St SE, two blocks west of Capitol South Metro): Join thousands of people in a multi-generational act of civil disobedience at the Capitol Power Plant — a plant […]
How to skip the work travel, have a more leisurely life and save the planet
Want to know how to climb out of the cramped airline seats and stay home? Below is a guest article by Lloyd Alter of Treehugger, but by way of introduction, here’s a little excerpt from a New York Times piece by Joe Sharkey about his friend, Mr. Allen: I spoke with [Mr. Allen] a few […]