But listen: I walk into Nadler’s office and I sit down and I start by explaining where I’m coming from. I say that thanks to the visitors and commenters on this blog, I know that thousands of Americans are voting to do something dramatic about climate change, not just in the voting booth but with […]
Sorry about the partial posts in feed readers
… I pushed a wrong button and now I’m trying to figure out how to fix it. Try to be patient! Thanks.
The climate change denial industry primer
I’m sure you’ll want to hear about my meeting with Congressman Nadler, and that’s coming. But for today, I wanted to give you a little background on the denial of global warming by the oil and coal industries and the huge amount of money they’ve pumped out to deliberately confuse the American public. Big oil […]
What I’d say if I was wrong about climate change
Yesterday, a reader calling himself “Richard Miller” left behind a critical comment about my meeting with Congressman Nadler in which I will ask him to sponsor a “Sense of the House” resolution calling for climate change policy based on what is scientifically necessary rather than just politically possible. Richard asked, “How are you going to […]
I wish I had an iPhone!
The deadline is fast approaching, but I’m still hoping for more emails of support for my meeting with Representative Nadler on Friday afternoon. As you know, I will be asking him to help steer the country towards meaningful climate policy. Click here for details and to see how you can help. Now, onwards… I had […]
LV GRN: Make your own household cleaners and avoid health risks
Not to go on and on, but I’m still hoping for more emails of support for my meeting with Representative Nadler on Friday. As you know, I will be asking him to help steer the country towards meaningful climate policy. Click here for details and to see how you can help. Now, onwards… Here’s a […]
The No Impact Man global warming primer
In this post, I present a layman’s primer on global warming. But before we begin, I’m so excited and full of thanks for the fact that I have received more than 2 x 350 = 700 emails of support for my coming visit to Congressman’s Nadler (click here to help me reach my goal of […]
We can really make a difference. TODAY. But I need your help. Plus I have some free Reverend Billy DVDs to give away.
I really, really need support from all of you today (and I’m unashamedly bribing you with the offer of free Reverend Billy DVDs). But first I have to give you some background. Just read the bits in bold if you’re in hurry. Next Friday, May 30, Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York’s Eight Congressional District […]