What I feel like telling you about today is the great place I get our low-energy compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and how you can get them there, too. But first, in case you’ve somehow missed the recent coverage (see here and here, for example), I’m going to shed some light on the subject (oh, the fun of the pun). […]
This afternoon, I’ll be going to the Laguardia Community Garden (LCG) to help build a trellis to grow snap peas—apparently an early season crop. I’ll be building it with my new friend Mayer Vishner on whose 10 foot by 15 foot plot I am going to be a sort of share cropper. To grow your […]
A Mercedes Benz or a best friend? Hmmm….
Yesterday, I felt like a drought ended when I got to spend an afternoon with my best friend Tanner for the first time in a couple of months. I’m going to tell you about that, but first I want to talk about the question that titles this post. The question might seem dumb, and I’ll admit it’s hyperbolic, […]
A six-year-old I’d like to nominate for President
This email from a first-grader at Brooklyn’s PS 58 came in this weekend: Dear Colin, We have to work harder the ice is melting and some people believe that in fifty years a few places are gonna be flooded alot. I want to meet you. I like what you are doing. I want to ask […]
Plastic bags are the devil
An estimated one percent of thrown-away plastic bags never make it to the landfill. Instead, in New York City, too many of them become street litter which first gets washed into the City’s storm drains and then, when a heavy rain comes and the system overflows, gets dumped through one of the 450 “outfalls” into […]
I’m not dead, so Michelle didn’t kill me
So Michelle and I had the talk about the consumption phase of the project last night, the one I was worrying about yesterday (see If I’m dead tomorrow, you know my wife killed me). But before I get to that I want to add something about the consumption rules that I forgot yesterday. The idea is that we […]
If I’m dead tomorrow, you’ll know my wife killed me
Michelle, my poor wife, has been dragged through this project, sometimes appreciating it, sometimes hating it, usually resisting a new restriction but often discovering its benefits. She loves the local food, loves the scooter to get to work, loves that we spend more time together because of TV, has a constant caffeine withdrawal headache. Tonight, […]
Do a dance for yogurt that isn’t in plastic tubs
What do you get when you combine no throwaway packaging with local food only? Not too many tasty treats, I can tell you. So the other night, I trundled along to a party thrown by the environmental magazine Plenty and bumped into David Kistner, founder of the Green Apple Cleaners, which uses CO2 instead of […]