First of all, let me say that your readership of the blog is more important than your money. So if you can’t contribute financially, no problem at all. That’s not the point. Keep reading. Click the comment links and contribute wisdom and practical advice. Your participation is what is most important. On the other hand, […]
Other ways to contribute
The most important way you can help is by visiting and reading the blog and by clicking the comments link to add your wisdom and practical knowledge. Participation is what it’s all about. But there are a number of ways you can also help to make other readers aware of NoImpactMan.Com. Help other readers find […]
Guidelines for Discussion
I love it when people leave comments and suggestions on the blog. How could I stumble through this project without everyone’s help and ideas? Once in a while, though, people may be tempted to write things that wouldn’t make their mothers proud or that detract from rather than add to the conversation. To deter such temptation, I’ve adapted […]
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