OK. Deep breath for me, because I take great pride in the fact that readers from across the political divide come to this blog and I don’t rock that boat easily. I believe firmly that the time for solving things through divisive party politics has passed. I believe that Republican and Democratic voters have many […]
presidential election
Is there a U.S. candidate with the backbone to do something about climate?
Back in February, I wrote about about what the U.S. presidential candidates’ said about mitigating climate change. At that time, McCain’s proposals were the weakest while there wasn’t much air between what Clinton and Obama proposed. The question remained, however, about what each of the candidates, if they won the presidency, would actually do about […]
Persuading the presidential candidates
Obama, Clinton and even McCain have decent proposals on climate change. The question is, what will it take to make climate change one of the defining issues of the next presidency? How can we convince both the presidential candidates and our congressional representatives to make this the most important item of the coming term? From […]