Thanks to Jonathan, a reader, who alerted me to the Halloween action by the Pew Campaign for Fuel Efficiency. They’re delivery candy and fact sheets to members of congress to let them know that what the auto industry is trying to do to the Energy Bill is is a trick not a treat.
From the Pew Campaign’s Spooky Truth fact sheet:
“In June, the Senate passed a strong, bipartisan compromise to raise mileage for cars and light trucks to an average of 35 mpg by 2020. This is the first Congressional increase in fuel efficiency in 30 years, and yet the auto industry is pushing a proposal which would weaken and delay the Senate compromise. Their “tricky” proposal would only require 32 mpg by 2022 and actually cap American innovation on mileage improvements at 35 mpg. The spooky truth is that just a few years and a few miles do matter when it comes to making a difference for America.
In 2020:
Barrels of Oil Saved Per Day:
– 500,000, Auto Lobby Proposal
– 1.2 Million, Senate Fuel Economy Compromise
Consumer Savings at the Pump:
– $11 Billion, Auto Lobby Proposal
– $25 Billion, Senate Fuel Economy Compromise Emissions Reductions
– 85 mmt CO2, Auto Lobby Proposal
– 206 mmt CO2, Senate Fuel Economy Compromise
“Data from the Union of Converened Scientists, “Energy Bill Must Guarantee Real Oil Savings” Sept. 2007.”
While the Pew campaigners are handing out candy and facts to members of Congress, the rest of us can support a strong energy bill–and a step towards American sustainability–by showing our representatives that we care. Automatically send emails to your members of congress at SaveOurEnvironment.Org.