In this blogpost, I am going to offer you a quick exercise that may help you to get off the treadmill and identify what would really make you happy in life.
But first I wanted to offer a quick reminder that early, early bird discount is running out at midnight to my teleseminar course The How To Be Alive Master Class. I designed this class because I think it will really, really help you live a life in line with your values.
The course doesn’t start for two weeks–so there is time to register–but why wait until the price goes up or until registration closes because it is over-enrolled? You might as well take advantage of the early, early bird discount which ends at midnight tonight. Enroll here.
Meanwhile, I wanted to share with you the exercise that I think will help you get off the treadmill. It is the kind of exercise we will use in the How To Be Alive Master Class, but I wanted to share it with everyone, whether you take the class or not:
Look More Deeply–Why Do We Really Want Money, Looks and Fame?
Sometimes we run so fast on the work-to-spend treadmill that we never stop to ask what we want the money, stuff, and fame for. How do we imagine they will make us happy if we get them?
Author of The High Price of Materialism Tim Kasser writes: “The truth is that money is good only for buying food, shelter, safety, and other necessities; it can never really buy self-esteem, love, or freedom.” Similarly, you can work your rear end off for good looks, and it may attract more people around you, but what kind of people will you attract who wouldn’t have liked you anyway?”
Write down the needs you imagine will get filled by fame, money, or looks. What will getting those things make you feel, do you imagine?
Remember times when you achieved a materialistic goal. Did the new car, the new raise, the new gadget actually satisfy any of the needs on your list? How long did it make you feel good?
Ask yourself, is it possible that the materialistic goal is actually the long way around to getting what you really want?
If your list of needs includes things like friends, less anxiety, lovers, laughter, fun, or adventure, can you get them more directly?
Write down some strategies for finding those things directly so you don’t have to jump through so many materialistic hoops.
Please let me know what your own experience is with trying to get your more transcendent needs met by going the long way roudn through materiastic goals. What strategies do you have for get off the treadmill and going after what make you happy? You can tell me in the comments below.
PS Don’t foget that the early, early bird discount The How To Be Alive Master Class ends in just a few hours. And did I mention that you get a free web-enabled version of the How To Be Alive book as well as $400 in coupons for my coming coaching programs as part of class? Sign up here before the early, early bird discount ends.