Oh hell, I do it. Probably all of us do. We choose a scapegoat and decide that they’re the ones to blame for the problems. Some of us try to blame the people who work for “the corporations.” Now, personally, I *do* believe that corporate structure, where shareholders are rewarded for a corporation’s profits but […]
Watch the trailer for No Impact Man: The Documentary
First of all, on Wednesday (7/15) at noon EST, I’m moderating an online discussion–a “webinar”–on so-called “green banking.” Want to be part of the discussion? Click here. But meanwhile, if you want a sneak preview of the trailer of the No Impact Man documentary, which comes out at the same time as the book, click […]
What we’d gain if we built things to last
Lots of nights we have talks about Teddy. Isabella wants to know about when her mom was little and how she played with Teddy, too. As things age, they collect stories. Stories of our families that connect us to them. In my own case, I have a pair of my grandfather’s cufflinks and his watch. […]
What fills you with awe?
Once in a while, even though it’s trendy, these days, not to talk about other species when we talk about environmentalism, I like to reconnect with that about our planet that fills me with wonder. And for me, one of those things is whales. The video below is a gift for you. Meanwhile, what about […]
Another way to fill the craving to shop
Shopping is an American social pastime, but the problem is that shopping from “want,” instead of from “need,” causes the use of planetary resources we can’t afford to burn. We talked about this a little here. Yesterday, I mentioned how much fun my daughter Isabella had running out to a farm field to harvest vegetables. […]
How to get your child to eat almost any vegetable
Ask my little girl Isabella what she wants to eat and it’s either a. grilled cheese sandwich or b. peanut butter and jelly. Suggest that she should eat her spinach, broccoli or brussels sprouts first and you get an encyclopedic explanation of why she can’t eat it–it doesn’t taste good, it’s too hot, you have […]
A sad observation I had on a mountain
See that picture? That’s where I stayed last week for some quick R & R in the countryside. An incredibly beautiful place. At lunch one day, I briefly met two women, sitting at the next table. While I was eating, I overheard one say to the other, “Do you think there will be enough shops […]
Want to help get people engaged in the environment?
That’s the goal of the new No Impact Project that we’ve launched. The mission is to engage citizens in lifestyle and social change that leads to both happier people and a happier planet (you can read a little about the No Impact Project here). Anyway, in line with the No Impact philosophy of using resources […]