Let’s start with the fairy tale that came true for the gasoline magnates: Once upon a time, a number of companies bought up drilling rights here and oil refineries there and eventually gained control over the USA’s gasoline. For a while, gasoline hovered under $2 a gallon, and the companies and magnates had to console […]
What I’d say if I was wrong about climate change
Yesterday, a reader calling himself “Richard Miller” left behind a critical comment about my meeting with Congressman Nadler in which I will ask him to sponsor a “Sense of the House” resolution calling for climate change policy based on what is scientifically necessary rather than just politically possible. Richard asked, “How are you going to […]
Living in gratitude instead of desire
Click the image above for a larger version This could be totally wrong, but I’m guessing that the decline of religious life in our culture has brought with it a decline in gratitude. Not that I am laying some sort of a religious trip on everyone—I am the first to cop to not maintaining an attitude […]
If it’s hurting other species, it’s hurting us
One of the things I regret not posting more about is biodiversity and the crisis in the huge number of extinctions occurring on the planet. I think that is because one of the things I have been trying to do is get away from the environmentalists-care-more-about-animals that people stereotype. Personally, I care a lot about […]
Dear Clorox, Please reuse your Brita Filters
You probably didn’t know that Brita, America’s number one pour-through water filter, was owned by Clorox. Now, the great news about Clorox’s Brita filters is that they help make Americans feel good about tap water from our excellent municipal water systems, move off the throwaway plastic bottles (wanna try my ultra-cool reusable water bottle, by […]
A really big man with a really small ukulele
I’m kind of a musical dunce. Name just about any band and I have no idea who you’re talking about. I mean, I dig music, I like to dance (especially with my little girl Isabella), and we sing together loads as a family. Mostly we sing songs we make up. Sometimes we sing our conversations. […]
Too busy patting myself on the back to write a post (joke)
Actually, just too tired and it’s late. All the same, if you read this blog at all, I hope you’ll agree that I’m not taken to bragging, but geez, when a guy gets a chance, he ought to glory a bit in his accomplishments, don’t you think? So I’m giving myself a night off in […]
Is it in your nature to try?
Can the way I live really make a difference? That’s one of the things we worry about, right? When it comes to figuring out whether to get involved in the political process or to make our lifestyles more sustainable, we all wonder if, in fact, we will make the slightest bit of difference. Is it […]