As you know if you read this blog, I’ve been involved in an email quasi-debate with Michael Shellenberger, co-author of Break Through: The Death of Environmentalism and the Politics of Possibility. Scan below to the non-italicized text, for the latest installment, Michael’s second email to me. You can read the first two installments here and […]
Sick day
Sorry folks. Ate something that appears not to have been no impact. Tune back in on Monday cause I’m in no shape for writing today.
A disagreement about how to save the world–Part II
The other week, I got in a goodhearted little email tiff with Michael Shellenberger, who as you know if you read this blog, is a co-author of Break Through: The Death of Environmentalism and the Politics of Possibility. Our email dialog turned out to be really interesting. In the first part exchange (which you can […]
Pitting jobs against the environment
I’ve been reading Heather Rogers’ excellent book Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage. In it, she points out that it has long been industry’s strategy to pit labor against what the industrialists say will be the negative economic consequences of reducing resource use to keep safe our planetary home. Rogers writes, “The common refrain–that […]
A good natured tiff with an environmental big wig
A few weeks back I was noodling around the internet and I came across The Breakthrough Institute, started by Michael Shellenberger (pictured here) and Ted Nordhaus, the authors of the controversial book Break Through: The Death of Environmentalism and the Politics of Possibility, which I admire and have discussed before. I zapped off an email, […]
An interview about politics with, well, me
I’ll be recording a spot about the election and the environment on the Montel Williams show on Thursday (and I think it will appear that day but have to double check). In preparation for that spot, I had to answer some email questions. Here are the answers just for you. If you’re a long time […]
A little more on individual action
Whenever the question of whether a person’s individual action or even getting involved in political action is worthwhile, I think of my friend Mayer Vishner. He is a peace activist, and he has been since the 1960s. Once, I asked him why, after all this time, when peace had clearly not been achieved, he carried […]
Leaving on an Amtrak train (to the tune of John Denver)
Can’t say much. Getting home past midnight after a trip back from Indianapolis by train. The picture above shows the inside of an Amtrak roomette (courtesy of Tinotopia). The picture below shows what it looks like when the beds are folded out. Twenty-two hour ride. Lots of work done. Which would your rather do? Ride […]