One of the debates within environmentalism is this question of whether to solve the planetary crisis we will have to use fewer resources or whether we will just have to use them more efficiently and cleanly. There are those, in other words, who seem to believe that we will get to keep driving around in […]
Consumerism and Materialism
Never mind CFLs, says LA Times, eat less meat
Thought you all might be interested in a recent Los Angeles Times editorial, “Killer Cow Emissions,” related to sustainable eating. Basically, the article says that livestock is responsible for 18% of the greenhouse gas emissions worldwide (in the form of mostly methane and nitrous oxide), more than the entire transportation sector, and that, to add to the bad […]
Winning enviro-conscious customers part 2
About the green market place, marketing guru Seth Godin wrote: “The richest and best-educated people in our economy are shifting, and pretty quickly. They’re just as willing to spend money as they always were, but now it’s not focused on fancy organic stuff at the Whole Foods Market or giant bulletproof cars from Germany or private jet travel. […]
The auto industry’s trick is no treat
Thanks to Jonathan, a reader, who alerted me to the Halloween action by the Pew Campaign for Fuel Efficiency. They’re delivery candy and fact sheets to members of congress to let them know that what the auto industry is trying to do to the Energy Bill is is a trick not a treat. From the […]
I want electric lights!
An announcement about a couple of my upcoming public talks at the bottom, but first… If you follow the No Impact project at all, you know that we have had no mains electricity now, in the middle of Manhattan, for six months or so. Also, you’ll know that the project–at least in its current incarnation–comes […]
Winning enviro-conscious customer loyalty
First off, readers, please, please, please comment on this post. Please help me. I want to understand what it would take to get all us enviros to engage happily with a company. Now, onwards… One of the reasons I embarked on a low/no consumption approach to environmentalism for the No Impact project is that I […]
When more is less…
I don’t aspire to poverty or deprivation or asceticism. But I do think that I am easily fooled into believing that the short term pleasures brought by more-than-enough material things will translate into longer-term happiness. (In fact, I wrote about materialism versus happiness just the other day). The tragedy of this confusion is that it […]
Environmentalism means less deprivation
People ask me if the reduced use of consumer conveniences that goes with the No Impact project doesn’t mean a lot of deprivation. I say that I spend more time with my family, eat more healthily, get more exercise and am a better dad. Then I ask: “Was I more deprived before or am I […]