First thing, I wanted to let you know that I have finalized the details for my new course How To Create A Simple Stack Of Vision Cards To Create The Life And World You Want. I think you’ll be excited by the details which you will find here.
Meanwhile, about choosing the stories that empower …
Stories—Part 1
Most of us know that the stories we tell ourselves about life are not true. All the same, our brains are constantly telling us stories.
The thing is, if our brains are going to imagine the rules of the Universe we live in, why not imagine rules that make up a happier universe?
For example, things were pretty rough in my family’s household when I was growing up. Now, I can tell myself a story about how my familial adults let me down.
Or, I can tell myself the story of how, when I was a young, I ventured out and found all sorts of other adults who would mentor me.
There was the roofer named Grog (that’s not a typo) who let me climb his ladder and help him bang nails into the shingles while we talked.
There was Christopher who let met hang out in his wood shop. There was Herb, who drove a VW bus and would let me swing by his house.
The grown-ups in my family weren’t very present for a long time. On the other hand, the neighborhood adults were very available.
I get to choose a story of abandonment or support. I get to choose whether to believe the Universe is safe or supportive.
The thing is, the second story, the one where the Universe is supportive makes me feel safer and helps me operate better in my life.
They say you can’t change the past but you can. Because the past is all stories.
Choose the version of the past that helps you make a better present and future, both for yourself and your world.
Stories—Part 2
Speaking of stories, here is another story about myself I’ve decided to tell:
I am everything in the universe.
I am utterly free.
I am committed to loving every moment.
I am unlimited possibility.
I trust infinity.
My love transforms.
I am abundance itself.
I am desired.
You might think what a load of silliness. But I didn’t choose those stories for whether they are real or not. I chose them for the effect they have on me when I say them. And the effect is great.
What are your stories? Do you like the effect they have on you? If not, are you willing to change them?
PS Here are some of the final details of the vision cards course I’m launching in April:
- Title: “How To Create A Simple Stack Of Vision Cards To Create The Life And World You Want.”
- Start Date: April 17 for four consecutive Monday evenings.
- Time: 730pm ET/430pm PT to 900pm ET/6pm PT.
- Cost: $297 for the full six hours of instruction, coaching, and discussion.
- Description: In this course, I share the methods I use to create a simple stack of handwritten “vision cards” that I look at and work with every day. My cards have helped me more than any other personal management tool to achieve goals in every area of my life from being a successful author to helping others to live according to their values to building an income that sustains me to being an effective climate change and social change activist to being a good dad.
PPS I think you will really love this course. Find out the rest here.