At the end of this email, I’m going to invite you to a free workshop about defining and attaining your visions for yourself. But first, I’m going to tell you this story of a vision I attained for myself just this week. Scroll down to the postscript if you want to go straight to the invitation.

So, there is this coach named Steve Hardison who coaches my coach and a couple of other coaches I know. My coach and these other coaches tell me that Steve goes around talking to everyone. All the strangers.
His approach is try to serve everyone he meets. When he is in this mode, he helps the NFL players he meets, the homeless people he meets, the CEOs he meets, the gas station attendants he meets, everyone. Sometimes the people become his clients. Sometimes not. Sometimes he gives coaching away. Sometimes he doesn’t. He doesn’t worry about it. He just talks to everyone and serves where he can.
There is an incredible sense of freedom these stories of Steve Hardison conjure in me. It is a kind of freedom I’ve always envisioned and wanted for myself. I have a vision card on which I’ve written, “I can talk to anyone I encounter, whenever I want.”
There is this way of throwing myself upon the world. Trusting. Being free. Giving. Being in relationship. Sharing awe and companionship. With everyone. With everything. I’ve always wanted this and envisioned it for myself. I want to feel connected and uninhibited. Fearless. Like Steve Hardison, I’ve always wanted to talk to anyone.
So, I set a homework with my own coach to create a coaching client from someone I meet on the street. But the truth is, the point for me is not just to create a client on the street but to experience the freedom that comes with that–with the talking to anyone.
So four episodes:
- I was eating at a diner and a man sat at another table eating with his wife. He had a nice face and was a bit overweight. I wondered if he struggled a little. I went to the restroom, got up the nerve, and, on my way back, I stopped at their table. “Excuse me,” I said, “I like your shirt and I was looking at it. Then, I noticed you smiling at people. I thought you showed such a kind energy. So I thought I’d say hi. I’m Colin.”
The man reached out to shake my hand and so did his wife and we chatted for 20 minutes. They were from London and would soon move to Australia. They were sick of Brexit. They wanted to try something new. - Ten minutes later, I was sitting on a bench on Main Street. Two men walked past. One said, “I went in my closet and could find nothing to wear. I really need to go shopping.” I stood up.
“Excuse me,” I said. “I overheard you saying your wardrobe isn’t all it could be. Well, I happen to have a client who is a stylist and personal dresser [which is true]. I’d be glad to introduce you.”
“Interesting,” he said. “But I think I am good.”
He didn’t take me up on my offer but I didn’t care. That felt like my second victory in 15 minutes. - At a coffee place, an older man sat at breakfast with a woman friend. His shirt had a shoulder patch that said “Marine Patrol.” “Excuse me,” I said. “I don’t mean to intrude. But I have to ask. Marine patrol sounds like such a fun job. Is it?”
The woman laughed and said, “Well, he gets to sit around having breakfast with his friends.”
The man laughed, too, and said, “Actually, it really is a fun job. I was in the military for 20 years and worked for the town for 30 and this job is the best.”
We talked for a while. “Come by my office sometime,” he said. “Ask any police officer where the marine patrol office is. It’s right nearby.” - My partner and I were at her storage unit. A woman and a man were unloading cases of Topo Chico from a pick up truck. My partner said, “I wish we could buy some from them.”
I walked over.
“Hey, are you selling those?”
“No,” the woman said. “They aren’t for sale.”
I said, “Well, then, are you giving it away for free?”
She said, “Sure, you can have a case.”
“Really? You’re so kind. What can I do for you?”
“Can you do anything about this stressful job?”
“Actually, I am a coach. And I help people with stress all the time. You gave me Topo Chico. I’d be glad to gift you a free session.”
And, guess what? Today, we had a call and I am giving her the session in a couple of weeks.
These four episodes may not sound like much to you. But to me, I was being who I wanted to be. I felt so free. And like life was magic. Something has shifted inside me. I am not scared. My vision came true! It was one of the most exciting days for me for a long time.
I just thought I’d tell you that story. About becoming the person you want to be, especially since my job is to help other people become who they want to be.
For a long time now, I’ve maintained a vision for the life I want to live and the change I want to cause. To get to where I want, I begin by asking where that is and then steer towards it. Makes sense, right?
I wrote a very popular article about the visioning process and I also run an online course about it. It all starts with learning how to know what you want. That’s probably the most important part of creating your best life and the positive impact you care about.
Here are the details:
Date: Monday, July 3, 2023
Time: 8PM ET/5PM PT
Duration: One hour
Registration: Click here
I hope you will come!!