Here is some old wisdom truth about harming the shared habitat that we all depend upon for our health, happiness and security. Our sages taught: A man should not move stones from his ground to public ground. A certain man was moving stones from his ground onto public ground when a pious man found him […]
The problem with corporate structure
One of our culture’s big challenges is the corporate structure, of course. The problem is that the owners of the corporations–the shareholders–stand to benefit from from their actions but, because of the principle of limited liability, cannot be held accountable for their crimes. Shareholders can never be held personally accountable for their corporation’s environmental and […]
Where I stand on the current climate change bill
There is a climate bill that has the potential to come to the floor of the House of Representatives by July. It is called the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (HR 2454), known as ACES. Read a summary here. In this post, I’m going to tell you why I support the bill. […]
Day off for me
Hey kids. Just wanted to say I need a rest tonight. See you on Monday!
Why bother saving the planet?
First of all, I wanted to remind you all that there is a sneak peak at the No Impact Man documentary in New York tonight (Thursday). Click here for details. I hope I’ll see you there. It’ll be outdoors if the weather is nice and indoors if it’s not, so rain or shine! Now, onwards… […]
Urban gardening and connecting to nature
There are all sorts of reasons to farm food in the cities–reduction of the heat island effect, local food production, keeping storm water out of the waterways. But something happened to me the other day as a result of growing vegetables in my new garden plot that I wasn’t counting on. It’s been a dark […]
The New Times Square: Piazza for the People
This is a guest post by Michelle, my wife, via her blog post at BusinessWeek. It is about a wonderful example of how what’s better for the planet can also be better for the people. I pedaled into the BusinessWeek mothership this morning on my three-wheeled rickshaw, a.k.a. one of the deep and true and […]
How other people try to make a difference…
Watch this, just for fun!