Back in December, when it became clear that President-elect Obama would name the physicist Steven Chu as his energy secretary, Climate Progress blogger Joseph Romm, a former energy official in the Clinton administration, applauded the move. Joe wrote that Chu was a great pick, most especially because Chu “isn’t fooled by clean coal claptrap. Earlier […]
Ridiculously conspicuous unconsumption
Thought I’d share with you the poster for the documentary of the No Impact Man project, which premieres at the Sundance Festival on Friday (click on the image to enlarge). In case you’re interested, here’s how the Sundance site pitches the film: GLOBAL WARMING! The headlines scream it; the thermometer confirms it; but few of us […]
House paint that’s better for me and, so, better for the environment
If it’s better for the planet, chances are it’s better for us too. That goes for everything from not using plastic water bottles to riding bikes instead of driving in cars. That’s why living environmentally is not about being deprived but about being healthier. This weekend, I needed to paint the bathroom, so I thought […]
Where I’ll be at the end of January–The We Act Climate Conference
I just wanted to give a shout out, for those of you in New York or willing to travel here, to the We Act (West Harlem Environmental Action) coming conference: “Advancing Climate Justice: Transforming the Economy, Public Health and Our Environment.” “Poorer communities are feeling the effects of climate change more harshly than affluent communities, […]
How shall we live?
Isn’t that the big question? How shall we live? We imagined for a century or so–at least here in the northern hemisphere–that we were on our way to becoming gods. We could control nature. We could move beyond the limitations of our bodies and intellects. Only the slow march of progress stood between our having […]
A little antidote to environmental overearnestness
You know, every so often I do a Google search for jokes about environmentalists, hoping to find one to post here on the blog. One thing I think people like me sorely miss is poking fun at ourselves. We should joke around more. I often say to Isabella, my three-year-old “Why were we born?” She […]
How to cut out home heating oil–Japanese style
This is a guest post by my friend Sean Sakamoto, who blogs at “It’s so weird that you heat your whole house,” my wife said one winter. She’s Japanese, and when we first got married, here in the United States, we got a lot of mileage out of the “I can’t believe you people […]
Another way not to use a throwaway coffee cup
As you may know, I generally carry an ultra-cool reusable cup–otherwise known as a glass jar–for use when I get coffee. For the longest time, if I forgot my jar, rather than use a paper or plastic cup, I would just forgo the coffee (even though I don’t keep to the No Impact rules so […]