Now this post is going to seem a little strange–I’ll warn you in advance–but I happen to have been reading about tarot cards. Apparently, the 22 cards of the “major arcana“–the heart of the tarot deck–can be taken, in order, to symbolize the stages of a person’s inner growth. The “Fool’s journey,” as the complete […]
What makes a life good for a) The planet and b) Ourselves
So I’m having breakfast with a friend of mine who is having kind of a midlife crisis and he tells me that when he was young, he had the choice between going into finance and one of the arts and he chose finance. He felt, in a lot ways, like this was contrary to the […]
No Impact Man interviewed on Democracy Now!
You can watch the interview on video here (it starts at the 49:10 time mark), listen to it as an mp3 here, or read the transcript below: AMY GOODMAN: Finally, on this Christmas Eve, I’m joined by a man who makes a compelling environmental case for a non consumptive Christmas. We’re joined by Colin Beavan, also known […]
Beyond the rational?
We’ve had discussions about the the causal relationship between individual action and societal change here on the blog. Recently, we’ve had quite the debate about whether even collective action–in the form of protest–can cause changes in our society. But it occurs to me that the ripples of trying–whether it is in the individual sphere or […]
Open Discussion: So what do we think of Christmas
I’m taking some down time this week, but just in case you’re not, and you want some diversion, let’s talk holidays. Some huge percent of our country’s resource consumption is happening right under our feet. We’re part of it–if not out of inclination then, often, out of obligation. What’s it feel like? Could it be […]
Individual action vs collective action
Lest you all think, that with my recent calls for collective action, that I have abandoned individual action, please read my post at WorldChanging about how the two are in separable. Leave your comments there but leave them here too! A continuing debate erupts within the environmental movement about the relative merits of individual versus collective […]
How does a society effect rapid change?
I posted the last couple of days about the occupation of the Capital Power Plant, spearheaded by Bill McKibben and Wendell Berry. Why were there so few comments? How come, when we talk about how to compost, we get a huge discussion, but when we mention civil disobedience, there is quiet? Do we all agree […]
Why civil disobedience may be necessary on climate change
A couple of days ago, I posted an invitation from environmental activists Bill McKibben and Wendell Berry to participate in the occupation of the Capital Power Plant in March. Some commenters on this blog responded favorably. Some were concerned. Susan Och wrote: Civil disobedience is supposed to be a last resort, after you have exhausted […]