Ever since I was a kid, I obsessed over the basic questions of how we should treat ourselves and each other–how should we live? Twenty-five years ago, I began my lifelong study of humanistic psychology and its therapeutic techniques. Twenty years ago saw the beginning of my dedicated practice of Zen meditation and my study of other spiritual traditions. Through all this, I maintained a passionate interest in what it means to have a just and thriving society and how to create that.
All of that comes together for me in the simple beliefs that people thrive when they: 1. Feel physically secure and safe to be who they really are; 2. Live amongst people and community they love and are loved by; 3. Can grow towards understanding their place in this universe and towards a comfort with the pattern of existence; 4. Have regular experiences of awe, absorption and play; and 5. Feel effective in using their prized skills and talents in the service of a greater good.
Thus, many of my published articles and blog posts tend to be on these subjects:
Career and work | Happiness | Purpose | Relationships | Spirituality | Environment | Social change